Tony and Kibombo pushing against the flow of the mighty Nile.
This project has evolved from a collaboration between Hatha Paddleboards based in Devon, UK, and Think People Think Story. With photography and adventure at the very heart of the initial plan, the paddleboards were always going to remain in Uganda the question was, in what context…?
Tommy approached Dan at Hatha, towards the end of summer 2022, with a request to take one of their paddleboards to Uganda, the deal… in return for the board Tommy, and the team would create photographs of the boards on the River Nile for Hatha to use.
This also meant that the Think People Think Story group heading to Uganda would have easier access to the water and a way to cool off, explore, and relax between local projects.
It didn’t take too long to confirm we had the board, we also had a paddle and plenty of Hatha-branded caps to take with us. With 7 of us flying out, Tommy utilized everyone's free sports luggage allowance to also bring his Hatha paddleboard and kayak along for the trip.
Stand by for the story and images from an epic collaboration….